A dental bridge is an excellent choice for tooth replacement. It restores your ability to eat and smile without concern. As a result, you’ll enjoy a more varied diet and easy laughter. Tooth replacement, including the dental bridge in Aurora, CO, also promotes better oral health by preventing tooth migration and bite misalignment.
A dental bridge consists of one or two artificial teeth cemented between dental crowns. The crowns fit over prepared teeth on either side of your smile gap, suspending the artificial teeth into the space. Your dentist customizes your bridge and crowns to look like your remaining teeth. Alternatively, your dentist may recommend a dental implant to secure your bridge.
As far as longevity, a dental bridge can last up to ten years or longer. To increase bridge longevity, we recommend visiting the dentist regularly and practicing excellent oral hygiene. You should also talk to your dentist if you suspect bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding).
Of course, it’s important to learn whether you’re suitable for this type of tooth replacement. Your dentist can make this determination and answer all your questions at a tooth replacement consultation.
To Learn More about the Dental Bridge, Contact Your Aurora, CO, Dentist
If you’re ready to restore your smile or have questions for our dentist, call us today.