Uptown Comprehensive Dentistry and Prosthodontics
A Great Dentist

Are veneers permanent?

woman getting porcelain veneers | cosmetic dentist in auroraVeneers are a permanent cosmetic dentistry treatment because your teeth will have to be treated before the veneers are applied.

The Veneer Process

Dr. Chen will do this by removing a small amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth to make room for the veneers. Once the veneers have been custom-made for you in the lab, the veneers are placed and positioned in the desired spot before being cemented into place. A curing light will harden the cement to ensure the veneers stay in place permanently.

Once you have veneers, you will want to protect your investment. With good oral care, which includes regular brushing and flossing as well as twice yearly trips to the dentist, you can expect your veneers to last for at least a decade.

Veneers are strong and durable, but they may not hold up well to habits such as nail-biting or teeth-grinding. Don’t chew on ice or use your teeth as a tool. Chipping or cracking your veneers will mean expensive replacement.

Smile Makeovers in Aurora

Veneers are a great way to camouflage a variety of dental issues, including teeth that crooked, gapped, stained, too short, or otherwise imperfect. See the team of professionals at Uptown Prosthodontics to find out more about veneers in Aurora.

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